We are happy to be in Texas with some warmer weather. There were a couple of cold nights and freeze warnings, but nothing like we had in Oklahoma. The cats are enjoying their new surroundings. Plenty of space to roam and explore.
Hitch and I like the tree across the street from our site. Somehow, we end up standing under it every time. Both of us staring up at its big limbs until Hitch decides to climb it. Well, he tries to climb it. He gets to the middle of the trunk, stop, reevaluates, and drops to the ground. I do believe this tree has become a challenge for him and he is hoping to make it to one of the limbs before we leave. Yea, I don't that will be happening since his leash is not that long.
I did not realize how much I missed the old gnarly Mesquite and cactus landscape until we got to Texas. Going for walks around the campground, I would find myself looking for mistletoe clumps in the trees. The tree looks a little funny with it completely bare except for the strange clumps of green hanging from its limbs.
Did you know that mistletoe is considered a parasite to softwood trees? The seed burrows into the wood and gets it nourishment from the tree. I did not know that until I read that little trivial fact from a cozy murder mystery by Susan Wittig Albert called Mistletoe Man. China Bayles is a lawyer turned Herbalist with the kind of store I would love to visit. In this book, China is collecting mistletoe for holiday decorations. I haven't read one of Susan's books in a long time.
I learned quite a bit about plants and herbs when I was reading her books. We even visited a herb garden cafe that was suggested in one of her books. I loved walking around the gardens and sitting under the arbor while we had a snack. I wish I could remember the name of the place, but it was too long ago. I was inspired to plant lavender along our front sidewalk so people would have a fragrant walk to our door. I should see what China is up to these days.

On The Cutting Board
I'm thinking of opening my shop in December. I'm not sure I should open early since I left a message in my shop saying it would be opening in January. Should I open early or keep it closed? I have 30 items so my shop would not look so sparse or I could have more if I wait....arrrgh!
With that thought bouncing around in my head, I started making some of my old mug rugs from Nancy Halvorsen. I'm using brighter and more bolder colors for a change of pace. I'm also starting some new Happy Campers and a few more Owls as well.
I also started cutting and prepping for some new quilts. I went through the last of my stash that I had packed away at our daughter's house.
I was very happy to find this Japanese Crane fabric. I had turned our motorhome upside-down one day looking for this fabric. I finally thought I had given this fabric away. Yes! I still have it!
I can even remember what I wanted to do with the crane fabric, so I did not wait too long to start cutting up some matching batiks and getting the cut fabric into a quilt kit.
Of course, this is not the only fabric I discovered and brought back with me. What? Uh...the fabric is calling to me...the rotary is ready....so back to the cutting board I gooooo...
Happy Quilting!