Now I get to watch the Iguanas. They come out during the day to eat the vegetation and soak up the sun. A couple of them actually cross the dirt road to the camping sites for the taller grass around the site's markers. The cats spend time watching them and Hitch has tried to chase a few startled Iguanas on our walks.
I guess I was in a dog theme mood this time. Shhh! Don't tell the kitties!
I just finish the binding on #4. Ahhh! That feels so good!
I just finish the binding on #4. Ahhh! That feels so good!

I bought a new mesh that is supposed to make it easier to transfer a pattern to my quilt. I trace the pattern onto the mesh with a pencil or a pen. Easier said than done. Then with the fabric pen, I retrace the pattern onto the quilt. The fabric pen is supposed to go through the tiny holes. I’m not sure how well this is going to work, but I will give it a try. I have been making my own stencils which is not easy to cut out. I’m hoping this will make transferring a little easier for me.
I could spend hours browsing through quilt shops online, reading blogs and message boards. All these wonderful links take my time away from quilting, so I thought I just had to share them with my friends.
This website just started in January of this year. It is perfect for me. I get a read-along murder mystery, clues, quilts, fabrics, browsing/shopping online and a chance to win a prize. Every Saturday, I receive another chapter to the murder mystery with links to several shops to look for the clues. They also have a great blog with interesting stories about historical quilts and unusually colorful, but real characters.
A new series starts on 1 May 2011.
A new series starts on 1 May 2011.
I joined this message board for quilters. I think it has just about everything a quilter could want and if it isn’t there, well just ask! Someone is bound to know or can link you up to a great website. They have tutorials as well.

Recently Emilie posted this in FB: Oohh. . . Just discovered there's an email address you can write to let my publisher know you'd like more Shenandoah Album books. It pays to ask. This is SO much easier. Just email:
So, if you want another Shenandoah Album book to read, please do as I did and just send a short request to her publisher. Who knows maybe if there are enough requests, they will publish #6!
I don’t know about you, but Copyright laws have become rather confusing for me as a quilter. This website goes into great detail clarifying our rights as a quilter. They are good about answering their emails as well.