After re-energizing with lunch, they went to the annual quilt show at the Civic Center. There were over 400 quilts entered this year. There were also quite a few booths filled with quilting merchandise from shops in surrounding states. It was Heaven! Yes, S

Here's a picture of Dick & Kristy on their back porch.
But wait! There’s more. After the quilt show, Kristy took Sandy to one more quilt shop - a beautiful 2-story historic building packed full of material. Every room in The Thimble Cottage Quilt Village is filled with anything and everything you can imagine for quilting. From the website here is a description of how this store became a village: Our wonderful new shop consists of a hotel built in 1934 and a Victorian house built in 1917. The two buildings were connected with a huge foyer in the early 70’s. So the Thimble Cottage Quilt Shop became the Thimble Cottage Quilt Village. Sandy did not take pictures of the quilt shops, but you can find both online. She highly recommends visiting both shops if you happen to be in the area.
Of course, Sandy was so inspired by her day out with Kristy that she had to com

Sandy would also like to note that she did not bring home bags of

If you are wondering what Dan was doing this whole time, he was busy installing a US Gear Unified Tow Brake system in the Subaru in Dick and Kristy’s garage. It was nice to work indoors in a well set-up garage for the install.