We have been in Westport for five months now. We have been feeling a little stale, a little sluggish, and a little bored. Dan suggested a trip to Centralia so he could have some maintenance work done on the coach. Road Trip! Civilization! Yes! I made my shopping list out and did some research on stores in the area.
Well, there are not a lot of stores, but there is a wonderful quilt shop in Oakville and that was on our way to Centralia.

While Dan took a break from driving, I visited The Quilting Cottage. The old building is unique and an added plus while looking at the large selection of fabric. The staff is very friendly and I enjoyed my visit. You can read about the owner and the shop on their website:
The Quilting Cottage 
We spent the weekend at a campground only 20 minutes away from Centralia. This campground had pet goats and chickens. We stopped by to feed the goats our scraps and to get some pictures of them.

We spent Sunday in the downtown area of Seattle. Something we have wanted to
do since we arrived here. We spent most of our time in Pike Place Market wandering around the maze of stores while enjoying samples of food. I had to stop by the Undercover Quilt shop. 
It is small, but it is packed to the ceiling with fabric! 
On a sad note, we lost our oldest cat today. Mischief, a.k.a. Grey was losing a lot of weight and had developed what looked like a tumor on his hip. After consulting a vet, we decided it was time to let Grey go. He had a good 18 1/2 years with us. He was a wonderful TV companion, a great alarm clock (get up! time to feed me!) and very motherly (where have you been?!) There are few cats as relaxed or as easy going as Grey and he will be missed.